Friday, 5 March 2010


Spring is upon us. The birds are singing sweeter songs than ever before and everybody can feel the earth warming up around us once again.

Snowdrops are springing up here and there as though the Goddess Demeter has walked here. She is happy once again because her daughter, Persephone, has come up from the underworld, where Hades keeps her prisoner for six months each year. In these months her mother, Demeter, walks the earth mourning and weeping tears of ice for her daughter, that is why we have Autumn and Winter. But in Spring Persephone returns to her and Demeter is so happy that wherever she walks springs instantly into life. It is such a beautiful story, I wish it were true.

Recently I discovered a beautiful thing about the planet, Neptune. On Neptune it rains, like on Earth. But, instead of raining water it rains diamonds. I would love to go to Neptune somehow and see the diamond rain, it would be a thing so beautiful that it would take one's breath away. At least, that is how I would react.


  1. michelmas daisies, purple in the border:D

    I love you


  2. Does Neptune really rain diamonds? That's beautiful. ^^
